We made some fun things at my last workshop. It was a variety of things that I learned this year at Stampin Up Classes, Business Meetings and Regional Seminars. Some items were hard to do but all my customers made it through! If you missed this class you can still purchase the kit that contains everything we made all you would need to have is adhesive to put the cards together. If you are interested in purchasing check out MY ETSY SHOP!
So as August Ends it will be bitter sweet to say goodbye to bonfires, late summer nights, boating, barbeques, and Stamping with items from the Summer Mini!
With Every Ending Brings a Brand-New beginning. This means Fall and diving into the Holiday Mini. I sent this new mini out to many of you, but if it did not show up in your mail box let me know and I will send one your way.
Ordering out of this Mini will start Sept 1st. and my next Workshop( Saturday Sept 17th) will be featuring items from this Holiday meeting. So save your spot today! Check out my Calendar for upcoming dates of workshops or contact me if you would like to hold your own workshop or stamp camp in your home.
Julie Baris
MY WEBSITE www.juliebaris.stampinup.net
MY BLOG http://juliesstampin.blogspot.com/
MY EMAIL juliesstampin@yahoo.com